This ebook, “Our Enemy, the Fed,” argues that the Federal Reserve System (the Fed), the U.S. central bank, is harmful to the American economy. The author contends the Fed’s manipulation of the money supply has caused instability, decreased the dollar’s value, and fostered unsustainable economic booms and busts. Evidence from historical economic data is presented to challenge the commonly held belief that the Fed promotes economic stability. The book advocates for a return to sound money, arguing that government intervention in monetary policy is inherently flawed and ultimately detrimental. Finally, it highlights the growing public awareness and criticism of the Fed’s actions.
Warning About these Books If it’s your opinion that the American Establishment has been doing a terrific job and has the American people’s best interests at heart, these books are not for you. The books on this page defy conventional opinion: on guns, on Ukraine, on “deregulation,” on education, on secession, on the Federal Reserve, and plenty more. Tom Woods was honored with the Hayek Lifetime Achievement Award in Vienna in 2019, and is the author of 13 print books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History and Meltdown. He is rather a bright fellow despite holding a Ph.D. from Columbia University and an A.B. from Harvard. Grab one of the free books below and you’ll also receive the free Tom Woods Letter, which is sent to subscribers’ inboxes during the week. It’s notorious, and subscribers read like a who’s who of the liberty movement. (Even people who would never publicly admit they read it, read it.) This is the one email newsletter people say they look forward to. You can unsubscribe with one click. But unless you have brain damage, you won’t.